Does Running Make Your Butt Round?

Running is one of the best exercises when it comes to round butt.

You will get excellent results by switching running techniques and combining them with exercises concerning the glutes.

When you are running, to affect a specific group of muscles, you have to be persistent.

In the beginning, it will not be so smooth because some of the exercises can be demanding. It all depends on your consistency and regularly following your running schedule.

But you will get used to it after a while, which will be much easier.

Which Muscles Make Your Butt Round?

Basically, the butt is formed from three main muscles:

Gluteus Minimus, Gluteus Medius, and Gluteus Maximus.

Each one of them has a particular role in moving and posture.

Gluteus Minimus is the smallest, and it has a role in stabilizing the hip. Gluteus Medius is bigger, and it is attached to the hip joint.

Gluteus Maximus is the biggest and is responsible for the form of your butt.

There are two types of fibers: slow-twitching and fast-twitching fibers.

Glutes Maximus is a combination of slow-twitching fibers and fast-twitching fibers.
Because activation of the slow-twitching fibers, it became stronger, but because of the activation of fast-twitching fibers, it became more powerful and faster.
So most of the exercises refer to Gluteus Maximus.

Why are the Glutes so Important?

Glutes are very significant muscles. Not only because of the better figure but also because they have a powerful role in a few things:

  1. They are vital for body stability.
  2. Strong glutes are important for maintaining good posture.
  3. Glutes are essential for leg strength, especially while walking and running.
  4. Languorous glutes transfer extra stress on your back, hips, knees, and ankles. Without strong glutes, you can injure your body very easily.

How to Run With Glutes?

Running posture is crucial to get the improvement and activation of your glutes.
So first, you have to correct your body posture.

Your body posture is essential for the efficient engagement of your glutes.
The role of the glutes while walking and running is to control the lumbar and pelvic regions.

These two regions are responsible for every postural problem.
In the beginning, you have to improve the basic form of your running, and then you can continue with slightly different running techniques.

Focusing on running techniques will give you all the benefits you need.
Adding hill repeats, stair runnings, and strides at the beginning and end of your running session will significantly activate and strengthen your glutes.

Which Runs Make Your Butt Round?

Several types of runs affect your upper butt, making it round. A combination of every one of these types will give you fantastic results. These running styles also affect the tonus of your leg, back, and stomach muscles.


Hill running

Running uphill requires more significant involvement of a big group of muscles. The angle of the hip movement is more expansive so that the Gluteus Maximus will be more burdened.

When the muscles are more burdened, they increase their volume. And that is how your butt gets more round.



Running sprints is part of every running program. It requires high knee rising and also strong push-offs.

That is very effective in building glutes, especially Gluteus Maximus.

When you run sprints, your muscles flex and relax as you run quickly but with brief intervals, which helps build and increase the volume of your muscles.


Running on sand

Running on the sand is a very distinct type of run. It is more demanding and requires stronger joints and ankles because the foot does not step on hard, stable surfaces.

Running on the sand strengthens the whole runner’s body.

This type of running is very demanding for Gluteus Maximus because it keeps the move strong and controlled.

It will make your butt get bubble form sooner than you would expect.


Running backward

Well, this is a tricky one. When you run backward or reverse running, the glutes are more involved than the quadriceps and the calf muscles.

Maybe you have to try at first on a treadmill, only to adjust your body to this kind of running.

Initially, you have to be cautious to get better control and stability. But after a while, it will be just as normal as regular running, except this type will significantly affect your Gluteus Maximus.


Endurance running

Endurance running has a slightly different effect on your butt.

It burns fuel muscles just like every type of running.

So endurance running will not make your butt round but will certainly make it smaller.

Which Exercises are the Best to Make Your Butt Round?

You can find many exercises that will make your butt pop. Some of them have a much better impact so I will highlight them:


  • Climbing

Climbing in nature on a natural rocky mountain can be risky, and it is only for some. You need extensive preparations for that kind of challenge and expensive equipment.

But almost every runner can climb on artificial sports rock.

Climbing demands the activation of numerous muscle groups. And it is incredibly potent when it comes to the glutes.

climbing makes your butt round
by cottonbro studio · url:
  • Jumping on a trampoline

Jumping on the trampoline can be a fun and very powerful exercise that will hit and form your upper butt.

This exercise requires more cautiousness on joints.

Jumping on a trampoline will also help you to improve your balance and coordination skills.

You don’t have to push off forcefully.

Does the Treadmill Help You to Get a Round Butt?

A treadmill is incredible for getting a butt that stands out.

It is the best device for beginners and also fantastic for advanced runners.

A treadmill is beneficial because of several reasons:

  1. It is gentle on your joints and ankles.
  2. You have control over the inclination.
  3. The speed is under your control.
  4. It has a monitor for calorie burning, and it measures your heartbeats.
Does the Treadmill Help You to Get a Round Butt?
by Anastasia Shuraeva · url:

There are two types of training on a treadmill that are great for your upper butt:


Running with incline

It would be best if you started with a slower pace for 5 to 10 minutes to warm up.

Then you can increase your speed to a level that you will be able to maintain a conversation.

After five minutes on that level, you can raise the incline. It should be increased to 4 percent. Follow your body signals. If you feel you are losing breath, slow down the speed and inclination.

If you feel comfortable, you can raise the incline by two percent.

Lower the incline, and raise it again.

Remember that you have to make it like intervals, each having to last exactly the same amount of time.

Finish the workout by walking the last session on zero inclination.


Backward running

Backward running on a treadmill can be quite challenging but extremely effective on your upper butt.

First, you must ensure that your sneakers are tied up correctly and that your feet feel comfortable.

Start at a slow speed. Focus on your footwork and your body balance.

You can raise the incline if it is too easy for you.