Should Running Shoes Be a Half Size Larger

Having quality running shoes is the most important thing for a runner. Running shoes are essential in your sports gear, especially for long-distance runners, because they spend the longest time wearing them.
So, choosing the right size is crucial because a poor-fit running shoe can leave you with bruising, blisters, losing toenails, tingling toes, and plantar fasciitis.

quality running shoes is the most important thing for a runner
by Tirachard Kumtanom · url:

Buying a running shoe half size larger than your street or dress shoe is the best choice.

When you run, your foot is constantly swallowing and expanding.

The free space in your shoes allows your foot and toes to move comfortably with each stride.

Should My Toes Have a Room at the End of My Running Shoes?

Yes, when you try your running shoe, it should be a space of 1/2 to 1 inch or your thumb’s width between the longest toe and the end of the shoe.

Also, it would be best to feel the shoe comfortable in the midfoot and heel area, so the toes could wiggle and move around a little.

Should My Toes Have a Room at the End of My Running Shoes
by Kindel Media · url:

How Do I Find the Best-Fitting Running Shoe?

Because most of us sit through the day, little fluid accumulates in our feet. It is normal to feel the running shoes a little snuggly.

So it is best to try your shoes at the end of the day.

When you try your new running shoes, put on the running socks you use most of the time while running. Put your foot in the running shoe, place your thumb at the end of the shoe and check for space.

Another way is to remove the insole. Place it on the ground. Step on it and check for the space between the longest toe and the end of the insole.

Do Running Shoes Stretch Over Time?

Running shoes, unlike leather material, do not stretch much with use.

So, when you try a pair of running shoes, you should feel comfortable.

The material is not stretchable but softens and loosens with time.

Also, it confirms the foot’s natural shape after increased running mileage..

Can You Stretch Out Running Shoes?

There are many ways how to stretch your shoes, but this way is the coolest:

  1. Take two sealable bags and fill them with 1gallon(3.8l) of water.
  2. Put both bags filled with water in your running shoes.
  3. Put your shoes in a freezer and wait at least 8-10 hours.
  4. Pull the snickers out of the freezer, remove the bags and wait 20minutes before using them(you can warm up them a little).

You can repeat all this if the shoes are still tight.[source]